

David is out of control in today's Bible reading... or is he? Have you ever cried out to God about injustice? I mean just asking for vindication from God about something that has happened... well, David is ranting and raving (while still loving God and trying to hold close to Him). He has people coming after him, verbally attacking him, possibly even wanting to cause Him harm. He notes to God that he has shown them friendship and love and they return it with evil, hatred, and curses to him and his household. So he reaches out to God and listen to what he asks the Creator of the Universe to do to his accusers...
  • "When he is tried, let him be found guilty, and may his prayers condemn him." v7
  • "May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership." v8
  • "May his children be fatherless and his wife a widow." v9
  • "May his children be wandering beggars; may they be driven from their ruined homes." v10
  • "May a creditor seize all he has; may strangers plunder the fruits of his labor." v11
  • "May no one extend kindness to him or take pity on his fatherless children." v12
  • "May this be the LORD's payment to my accusers, to those who speak evil of me." v20
Holy cow. I know God wants evil to be stamped out and he has conquered Satan, evil and death. But wow. It threw me for a loop today hearing David ask God for all of that against his accusers who embody evil, malice, and ungodly hearts. It makes me wonder, "Did these people at one time follow God? Were they friends of David at one time? He talks about friendship and the good he did to them. It would be interesting to know who these friends were. What went so haywire in their friendship to cause this? What happened in their hearts?

At any rate, it definitely gets me asking and you and I, "How do we handle people who attack us? Our family? Fellow believers? The weak? The weary? The burdened? The homeless?"

I wonder if our same reaction is one of outrage when people are oppressed and hurt, or do we just sit back and watch the city burn? What do you think? Talk it up people.

Jason *over and out*


  1. Jen said...
    I'm always a little confused when I read this kind of stuff; I thought David was supposed to be a "holy" man close to God's heart, so why would he ask for such vengeance?? But I guess it just shows he was human too. I think we all have thoughts like these sometimes, even if they don't seem quite as harsh as his. I guess ultimately instead of praying for punishment of bad people we should pray that they turn from their ways and start acting right.
    Jada6804 said...
    I can totally relate to David. I use to have the same thoughts towards people. But I've learned that no matter how you are being attacked, we must remember that we are representing Jesus regardless of what battle were facing. And everything that we're gonna face in life, Jesus has already been there and suffered through it, so at least I know I'm not alone when someone is showing hatred towards me. No, I don't think we should sit back and let the city burn, I think we should prepare ourselves for battle so when we do get attacked, we'll be ready.
    One luv people.

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