
Here is my story...

I was born in September of 1979 and the world has never been the same since. Growing up I learned to skateboard, loved the beach and had a passion for anything creative and adventurous.

My parents raised me in the church along with my younger brother and sister. Going to church was boring and wasn't something I was really excited about. I basically went to make my parents happy.

Around my senior year of high school I went to a hardcore show at the Indoor Va Beach Skatepark (now closed). There were a bunch of bands there and one in particular caught my attention. Zao played an amazing set and I talked with one of the band members afterwards for a bit. The guy had quite a few tattoos and piercings and he looked a little intimidating at first glance. Once we started talking I realized there was something really different about this guy. He told me the band they played in was a Christian band and they were having a blast doing it.

The fact that he was a Christian blew my mind, but not enough to make me change my lifestyle at the time.

In 1997, I graduated from Kellam High School and planned on pursuing a career in graphic design, but that was my plan... someone else had a bigger plan in mind.

I went away to Camp Rudolph in Yale, VA and met a kid named Nate. He wanted to become a Christian so bad, but every time he asked his mom she told him, "No. Those people are a cult and there is no way I will let you be a part of that!"
Nate was so defeated that week and left feeling like life was so unfair.

That afternoon when we left I got a call from my friend Nathan Lewis. He said, "Hey Jason, Nate is going to be baptized at 64th Street. You coming?" I was so excited for him and told Nathan I would be there as soon as I could.

Nate knew his mom would be unhappy and upset with him, but I will never forget what he said to all of us, "I need to follow God first, then I will do as my mother says. I know God will help me with my mom when I tell her." That day we watched as Nate was baptized and I knew my course in life had to change too.

I wanted to be a part of sharing God with other people so they could have the same relationship with God that Nate felt. So I dropped my plans of graphic design to be a pastor.

Along the way I met some great people at Roanoke Bible College, played in a band with some of the greatest guys to ever follow God, worked with Real Life Church for 7+ years back in my home town of Va Beach and met my beautiful wife Carrie (seriously she's amazing).

We were married in 2004 and it has been a whirlwind ever since. We tried and tried to have a baby and got pregnant and miscarried our first child in 2007. God built us up with the help of some amazing friends and family; and in 2008 we welcomed our daughter Chloe Elise Bedell into the world. She is great and we are blessed to have such an amazing baby.

Besides being a husband and father, I absolutely love my job. I work as the Lead Pastor at Forefront Church, while living in good ol' Virginia Beach, VA. I also work with a side project I started called, "Man Down Media" which specializes in graphics, design, media & video.

My passion is reaching lost people and using my talents to make the world a better place. If you are wondering about this God that has placed us on this roller coaster of life... give me a shout, I'd love to talk with you about it!

J-del **over and out**

To read a full length series on details through the journey in "These Ol' Vans," CLICK HERE

1 Comment:

  1. Steve Trevino said...
    Great website! You have inspired me to become cooler. Great work.

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