
So I was going through my guitar cases the other day, just clearing out old song sheets and cleaning everything out I don't need anymore and out falls a newspaper article I hadn't read in a few years. I went to High School with Luke Wright. Luke was an amazing kid who showed me what life was really all about. He was really into hardcore music and loved God like no one I have ever seen before.

Luke mom (Betsy) actually writes the religious column for the Va Pilot. Luke got me back into God, faith and how to be a true Christ follower. He didn't care about what people thought, how they lived or what they stood for... he just wanted them to know that God loved them and he lived in such a way that we all looked at him and thought, "What in the world is up with Luke? Why is he so freakin' happy all the time? I gotta start eating what that kid is having!"

One day I picked up the paper as part of my normal morning routine (if you don't read the paper, keep up with current events, or at least check news blogs... start reading and get out from under your rock. okay, enough of my soap box. back to the topic), I was sifting through the articles and and see "Local 20-Something Takes Life in Dorm Room."

As I begin reading I realize there's a connection that would leave me stunned. Luke Wright had taken his life. The feeling in my stomach was overwhelming. As I continued, my eyes were opened to something I never knew before. Luke had a bone disease that was eating away at his normal movement and bone structure. He was living in pain daily and none of his friends ever knew. He wrote a letter to his family & friends saying life was amazing, but the pain was too much and hopefully God would forgive him.


He was one of the few people who showed me life was worth living as a Christ-follower and then a few years later took his own life. It makes me wonder how many people out there are living in the pain of not knowing Christ and when things happen they have no way to cope and don't have a hope in something bigger. Someone bigger. God was his foothold and then during the course of time he gave up on the very One who brought him into existence.

I loved Luke and his vibe for life. I don't know where Luke is or what God has in store for him, and it's not my place to judge or decide, but Luke inspired me and gave me the chance to see how living for God is an amazing thing... so I hope that counts for something. I pray everyone I meet thinks of me like I thought of Luke; loving life and showing that being a Christ-follower is worth chasing.

Go be a Lion Chaser.


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