
We started a new series this week and instead of just launching it; we now communicate through email about the series via video, etc. Check out the web/vid deal for our new series "Christianity for Cavemen" Click Here


  1. CFHusband said...
    looks like fun!

    I've thought about doing a small group leader/host promo video series using this theme. So easy a caveman can do it.

    What software/resource are you guys using for you "video player" on the website?
    Jason said...
    We use youtube's video player they launched back in July. It integrates all the videos you create into a player format. You can select the order and what videos go in the player, etc. I think there is a limit of 30 ish videos, because as we add videos it begins to kick out the older ones.

    You can build one in your account preferences page & here is a link to the article on it:


    J-del **over and out**
    CFHusband said...

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