
So my wife and I were at the mall and I noticed this elderly lady sitting alone and reading. What was the book?" you ask. When Your World Makes No Sense by Henry Cloud. It made me laugh out loud when I saw it and Carrie scolded me for taking the picture, but it made me think...

Are we informing our people? Are we bringing some sense and meaning to the chaos of life? I know at Forefront we strive to create a relevant place where people can bring the chaos of life and lay it out so we can as Big Black puts it, "Do Work." But I definitely think we can do better. From the C. Arts side of the coin: "How do you connect to people to stir their hearts to change?" or "What process do you think through when a series is coming up?" Our ultimate goal should be changing hearts and impacting those who don't know God, but do we always accomplish that goal? Food for thought.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    This may be one of the raddest pictures ever!

    I hope there's a picture of me when I'm old sipping a latte reading a book like that.

    Sweet blog and first name.

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