
Okay, so I really can't wait until this conference comes around (and I'm not just saying that because our lead pastor is speaking, even though that's a bonus). But, it is just such a refreshing idea about not wasting time and just "getting to the point" and relaying that "one idea." Ben Arment has put a ton of time and energy into the conference with all the sponsors and I am blown away by the line-up of church planting leaders who are going to be there.

Been talking here and there with Dave over at ChurchyMedia and he's got a sweet gig doing all of the video stuff for the conference and the word on the street is there might be a DVD version of the conference for you cheap skates who miss out. I suggest hopping on the band wagon though... and registering today (since it's only $99 and if ya live in VA you can just drive up and back with no hotel stay. sweet!). For more info head over to the white board website: http://www.thewhiteboardsessions.com 


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