
So the conference was an absolute blast. The people over at SMOV did an outstanding job and I couldn't have been more blown away by how the conference went off in the eyes of the students and adults in attendance. Greg (the conference president), Issac Improv and Aaron Pelsue Band did a great job (much props). The students raised over $2000 for a camp, collected TONS of supplies for them during their lunch break, and quite a few students made decisions over the weekend.

A photographer was there grabbing shots and was nice enough to float a few my way. I will have a post soon on a creative idea you should totally try at your church. Until then, enjoy these shot from the conference.


  1. Anonymous said...
    resize...those pics are so huge they're taking a freakin' week to load.
    Jason said...
    they were pointing to the wrong thumbnail... thnx for the catch.

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