
So last night I met Mike. He wandered into our mid-week service and needed a place to stay until he could talk with his PO (parole officer) in the morning. I started making phone calls to 10+ shelters who all said the same thing, "All full, but he can try again tomorrow."

Reached the Union Mission and they informed me if a police officer brings him there, they have to take him. So I called local police, they came... then the guy informs me he isn't obligated to take Mike anywhere and I should basically figure it out on my own.

After more dead ends we finally reached a lady at the Salvation Army Shelter who would make an exception. She was amazing, Mike is getting a place to stay and help. "Operation Mike Needs A Place To Crash" taught me some lessons:

- the officer who responded needs to take out the "serve" in "protect and SERVE"
- shelters need later hours
- Mike's rap at dinner was better than most MC's I listen to
- we need more shelters in hampton roads
- the system is tough (especially under Mike's circumstances)
- 50 Cent is not a role model (Mike disagreed with me)
- I'm glad there is a Tuesday night service in a bar
- Stoked God allows me to be a part of it
- God thank you for the roof, job, wife and life circumstances
- Please look after Mike, he's a good dude

Until next time... spread the love.

J-del **over and out**


  1. CFHusband said...
    good stuff, Jason.

    It's unfortunate that the police are like a box of chocolates...
    Anonymous said...
    Good stuff, it is sad that the police basically turned their backs to the situation. Are you a full-time dad yet? I knew that Carrie was pregnant, but I was not sure how far along she was. Hope life is good.

    Brandon B

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