
Okay, so I am still collecting my thoughts from the WiBo sessions that myself and a few staff members went to (post on my thoughts coming soon), but I was reading Ben Arment's blog and found a couple articles he linked to that kind of blew me away.

I find it amazing that people can walk away with such different perspectives. I know we all have different views on how to communicate God's message of love and redemption, but I am not sure I could say the things these guys noted about the speakers. I respect their opinions as men of God... and I'n glad we are able to have the freedom to serve the way God has gifted us. Mine just happens to flow like honey in the video & tech form :)

Michael Mckinley Review

Matt Schmucker Review


  1. Anonymous said...
    is "anonymous".
    Anonymous said...
    patiently awaiting your assessment.

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