
"Everyone knows I'm in over my head, over my head." Seriously. 

I love my job. I get to work with an amazing staff at Forefront and I learn TONS every single day, but when I go to conferences I feel like a guppy being taunted by the sharks and whales. I love soaking in all the ideas, thoughts and creativity... but it's almost like I don't belong. I don't know all the "people" or "buzz names with their new ideas" and I turn into the exact opposite of the norm and shy away from talking to others. It's bizarre.

WiBo is coming and it is very bitter sweet. I get to hear some amazing speakers, go to a great lunch with people I admire and read their blogs daily, and be encouraged with new ideas, thoughts, and ways to reach unchurched people... but I always shut down personality wise. I feel like (and maybe your like me) that they'll "find me out" and be like "Hey, what's that kid doing here?!" I'm not totally hip on the church world since coming from quite a different background, but I love these events and can't wait to soak it in.

Let's just pray I don't click my Nikes together and try to zip back home when someone wants to chit chat.

J-del  **over and out**


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