
So let me start by saying, my wife is the greatest. I came home from an awesome service on Mother's Day (check out video we did here) and then my wife calls from our Chesapeake Campus and says, "Hey, I know you've been working hard, so I got tickets for us to go see Kanye West tonight."


So the concert was amazing. The line up was Lupe Fiasco, N.E.R.D., Rihanna, and Kanye. Lupe was alright, N.E.R.D. (hometown guys Pharell and Chad) performed great and had a special guest appearance by Chris Brown (VA representin') and that was an awesome surprise. Rihanna was better than I imagined and since it was a monsoon outside; when she did Umbrella there was a sea of people with them raised high, pretty awesome sight.

Kanye told a story through the eyes of a space explorer stranded on an abandoned planet. It was him and his spaceship Jane and the set was unreal. He stayed in character the entire time and it was basically Kanye "The Musical," but is was great. A few lessons learned as I walked away from the experience.

  • Pastors need to become better storytellers. Kanye was on stage over an hour and had the audience on the edge of their seats
  • Technology is our friend, but leave room for error/movement. In the rain and wind, they had to change the set on the fly and noted it from the stage. Be okay with changing your ideas and concepts to fit the moment.
  • The audience is there for a reason. Whether it's to see you fail or be encouraged, they came to what you're doing... so make the most of it.
  • Don't be afraid to go against the norm. I have been to quite a few hip-hop shows and never, NEVER have I seen a show like this. It was completely different and it worked. The church needs to get ahead and start setting the pace in culture.
  • Give people your best. As we left, we got a book titled, "Thank You and You're Welcome" written by Kanye. It was well designed, very professional, quotes and life lessons. It said to me, "I am glad you came, thank you and I cared enough to make this just for you." People that come to our services need to feel the same way. 
  • Make it cool. Just being there I felt like I was a part of something that was really happenin' and fun. Looking around at thousands of people confirmed it. Who are you drawing and are they amped enough on it to bring people back?
All in all it was great and if you hear of him coming to your town, check it out. 

J-del  **over and out**


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