
So I am guest blogging over at VinceAntonucci.com this week and I'll be posting them here as well. Blogging is a beast to do multiple blogs so doublin' up is fine with me. Call me lazy, but my old lady will kill me if I spend any extra time on the computer. So, much love people. Enjoy.

Thanks for everyone contributing to the discussion during the week via comments, Facebook, Twitter & here on the blog. If you guys have any more questions about arts, production, how-to's... just give me a shout.

Thanks to Vince for letting me contribute to the discussion and I'll be diving deeper into those stage discussed in Post #4.

J-del **over and out**


  1. Anonymous said...
    We're going to need this for next Christmas.

    Anonymous said...
    yea, I meant this, though PopTok is ridiculous...


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