
God answers with this one constantly.
I pray for discernment:
Pray for clarity:
Pray for God to move in my time frame:

Well, God's vocab just lost a word with me: WAIT.
He exchanged it for a new word recently: NOW.

The shift from "wait to now" scares many leaders (it scares me). We want and desire to be, move, breathe, lead and conquer the world in Jesus name, but when God opens the door and commands us to do it, AND DO IT NOW... (insert deer in headlights face and the need to change my pants here).

But God is calling the Bedell Family into many new things and the time to move He says is NOW. So...
- My wife finds out some important teacher news in the next week or two
- The move to my in-laws to help my wife's mother happens Oct 12
- We're down sizing our lifestyle to help those in need (and I am struggling with my attitude in it)
- God's call to leadership growth in me is moving (FAST) and I'm scared to death
- I've been asking for prayer via twitter & this blog on some personal choices for the future of our family and our ministry together. Thanks for that and more news is coming very soon.

And so a question for you guys (and gals), "What is God telling you to do NOW? Are you responding? Why or why not"


  1. Louis Tagliaboschi said...
    I don't do wait very well either. He has been telling me to listen. "Quit telling Me what you want, and listen to what I want." I don't have a lot of patience, so this is hard for me.

    We are looking at a new position, a TD/production mgr, and I know what I want them to be like, but I think God has a different idea, so I will listen.

    Praying for you in KY.
    Anonymous said...
    The flashing yellow has gone full-blown GREEN! Hang in there brotha... God has got some really great things planned for you and your family.

    I think we're still in the 'wait' pattern here.
    Anonymous said...
    I'm actually struggling with having to WAIT! I want to get things moving NOW and God is telling me to slow down and savor the last months that we have in Virginia.

    Sounds like you guys have a lot on your plate. We are also downsizing and trying to break ourselves from the world of consumerism. I thought it would be hard but it has actually been easier than I thought. (There is so much less to worry about when you physically have less!). I just keep in the back of my mind the Haitians that have nothing more than mudcakes to eat. When I get in one of those moments where my attitude isn't all that great, I just tell myself "mudcakes." It really puts things into perspective!

    God bless you and Carrie! I love reading your blog and seeing what you are up to. Sorry my hubby picks on you all the time. LOL! We'll be thinking of you and praying for you as you are making what sounds like some big decisions right now!
    ThePez said...
    what is god telling me to do now? SEEK. i'm tryin'.

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