
So you blog, write and communicate, but wonder... "What is it for? Is anyone reading this stuff?" Well apparently you are and you notice when a brotha goes missing.

Twitter= seldom.


I just want to say thank you to all the emails and texts that have come in over the past two weeks. They have been so encouraging. I am not dead. Please don't call 9-1-1. God and I are wrestling. As a leader you have seasons where God challenges you to do things and move in ways that makes you say, "Holy crap, you have got to be kidding!?"

Now when I say that, I am under the assumption that as a leader you and God are in constant communication. If you are sitting there thinking, "I've never really had those moments" then it would cause me to simply ask, "Why not?"

As God's leaders, we have been given the difficult task of communicating God's truth. Period. I hear (and have used myself) words like culturally relevant, technology driven, leveraging all that's 'POP' and so on. But I am being challenged by God. Have I bought into the hype? Have you? Possibly so.

Now don't get me wrong, I still believe in those things and as a creative arts pastor; it's the world I live in, but... when do we say when? Are Web 2.0, online communities, lazer light shows during worship, and over the top tech in our services working? Now I would say yes. Completely.

For the future? I'm not so sure.

Tech & Culture changes so rapidly. Is anyone really "keeping up?" Churches across the country are using the right projection, music, bands, twitter, videos, blogs and ideas. They're keeping up. But at what price? I'm not completely set on this yet, but I would say people are the price. I "know" more about people than I ever did before, but hang out with less people than I ever have in my life. Technology is a tool we use, but I'm pondering if it will ultimately be our downfall?

On top of all this, God is pushing me to do something I've never dreamed of.
More on this as God speaks. Until then,

J-del *over and out*


  1. Conley said...
    technology is an amazing tool, but as with all things, i think the potential it has for good is equally balanced by the potential is has for bad. so like you said, we know more about people because of facebook/twitter/myspace/etc, but we hang out less.

    good thoughts.
    Anonymous said...
    I read an article about Mars Hill the other day and it was talking about thier worship service. They have a really keyed down service without all the lights and show. In their media they use basic power point with white letters and a black background. They still have to full worship band, but everything else is low key and they focus more on the message, teaching, relationship aspect ot things. I think that tech. is good and that it should be used, but when it becomes who we are....then we may be in trouble.

    Brandon B
    ThePez said...
    the tech stuff is cool, but i can't replace god. if people come for the light show, and don't experience god, then we labor in vain.

    how do we us the music and the tech to cause people to engage god? is that even our job?

    as with everything in life, balance is key.
    Anonymous said...
    Read your twitter post. I know what you mean about sleeping through the night. Cameron was over 1years old before he finally slept through the night.

    I Was Crazy Sleep Deprived!

    Brandon B
    techguru said...
    "Holy Crap", that was so fresh and dope--you are so 'POP'.


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