Main Session 1: Andy Stanley
Andy talked through Joshua's story and how we have some defining moments as leaders. Here are (some) of the bullet points I walked away with from His talk.
- Our desire is that when we leave this earth, people will talk about our mark, praise our mark, and love the fact that we walked through life with God and it impacted them
- Some of you (leaders in the room) view leadership is a bad thing
- "If you are discontent with the status quo, it’s because God is building in you the heart of a leader."
- You won’t realize your biggest mistakes until years later and you won’t realize your defining moments until long after you’ve left it
- I don’t want to make a difference for my sake, but for God’s sake and the kingdom growth and unfortunately you won’t know the thing you did to leave that mark and change/ create significance until much later
- Joshua 23
- “When you have all the things you need, don’t forget the Lord your God”
- Nation had crossed the Jordan River, mana from heaven had stopped coming in the morning and they got up and now started living off the land
- On the other side of this incident, Joshua is about to take down the walls of Jericho and he is on the verge of making his mark in God’s name
- When he was 110 years old, he addresses the nation and tells them that through his whole life he was dependent on God
- Joshua 23:8, Cling to the Lord your God, Take heed to love God, If it is disagreeable to serve God, choose who you’re going to serve. But as for me, in light of everything up and down, we will serve the Lord...
- You've probably seen this at your little granny's house, "As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord." It's in every old farm house in the south.
- I would like to think that when I make my mark at the end of my lifetime, to continue to be in love with God, he used me in a significant way, and there is no greater joy than to take your leadership gift and use it for God.
- Later, a couple days out from taking Jericho down, 5:13, he looked up and saw a man with a drawn sword, not following rules or an assassin, are you for us or are you against us?
- Neither, vs 14
- And the angel of God said... No.
- It was as if God was saying to Joshua, I have not come to be a part of your story or the story of Israel, or what I’m doing through Israel, I’m coming to see if you want to play a role in MY story. Your answer will determine what mark you make and “whose” mark you make...
- Am I willing to submit myself to a bigger story and not to live a selfish story
- Angel says, “But as commander of the army of the Lord, I have now come.” and waits for Joshua’s response
- Joshua fell down in reverence, “What message does my Lord have for His servant?”
- He would be a man of authority, He was going to be a leader under authority and allow God to move through his life and not waste one minute of time on people who were for or against him, but who his life was for.
- Joshua is falling to his knees, And the commander of the Lord’s army replied, “Take off your sandals, for where you are standing is Holy Ground.”
- The point was simply this, “Before your name becomes great and you become a household name that god had to make sure Joshua was a leader “under” authority and you are leader who is more concerned about whose side you’re on than who is on your side.”
- A man out to SERVE SERVE SERVE the Lord.
- Daily thing on our knees where we say before God, “Thy will be done and Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done and Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done and Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done and Thy Kingdom come.”
- It doesn’t happen until we come to that place that once and for all and every single day that we are under His authority, making His mark, and being devoted to “Whose” you are and who you’re for and not who is for you.
- Our mark isn’t worth our life. Living to make my mark is too small to live my life for. Living for His mark is worth giving my life to.
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