A few Sundays ago we used text messaging to interact with the audience. We asked people to text/email their name and response to the what we were talking about to "text@forefront.org"
We had a HUGE response. People didn't have to have Twitter, Facebook, or MySpace. They just needed a phone and the ability to text. So, we've been encouraging people each week to text in if they have questions about the message or service. Each week we'll respond to people individually and place some of the questions (without names) here on the blog. It will be a way to keep the discussion going. Here we go...
Why do we do communion every week? I went to a church as a kid and they did it once and awhile. Just curious.
One of the the things we talked about today in the message was the early church in Acts Chapter 2 from the Bible in the New Testament. We discussed what example the early followers set and how we (Forefront) want to follow that example. When they met, they studied God's teachings, shared community (share life together), they broke bread (communion) and prayed to God (Acts 2:42). Since they met together every week to do these things, Forefront's Sunday services reflect that. We also sing to God and have a children's ministry (which aren't noted in this passage), but we feel that by doing so it enables us to communicate God's message effectively to the entire family.
In Jason's message today, he talked about some signs a church is doing community like God says. Is there any way I can get that list?
Absolutely. All of the signs are ways you can measure if a church is fully committed to Godly community and following the New Testament Church. It's found in Acts 2:42-47. We don't think it's a coincidence they are in the order they are, so without further delay, here ya go:
- Sign #1: The Church Together Weekly v. 42 “The devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching & to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”
- Sign #2: Miraculous Things Are Happening v. 43 “...and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles.”
- Sign #3: Everyone Is On The Same Page Toward God’s Mission v. 44 “All believers were together an had everything in common.”
- Sign #4: The People Are Sacrificial and Giving v. 45 “Selling all their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.”
- Sign #5. Meeting & Eating Together v. 46 “Everyday they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts...”
- Sign #6: People Are Giving Their Lives To God v. 47 “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”
Answer: The quote was from C.S. Lewis and here it is- "Christ works on us in all sorts of ways…But above all He works on us through each other. Men are mirrors or carriers of Christ to other men…Usually it is those who know Him that bring Him to others."
Question: Who did that new song with the words "beautiful surrender?" Can we buy those songs anywhere?
Answer: The song is called, "Control" by Mute Math. You can find that song and others by them on iTunes by clicking here. If you want to listen to a list of possible songs the bands are looking into, check out this iMix on iTunes here.
If you have questions, thoughts, or interest in finding out more about Sundays, small groups, the color of the sky, how to trap a wild boar... send them to text@forefront.org each week and on Sunday afternoon/evening we'll hit them up and get to them ASAP.
Jason *over and out*
We do this by accepting God's gift of grace (a gift we don't deserve), and obeying Him by repenting of our old ways (doing a 180 from our current nature), confessing our sins, and being baptized into Jesus.
Baptism is modeled by Jesus Himself. It's where we go down under the water (modeling Jesus death), and come out of the water (modeling Jesus conquering of death), and we are alive in Him. Our sins are clean and washed away and we are His saints.
Nothing special about the water, just His hands at work. Then it's told that we are to live, worship, and be a part of a Biblical community and share life with other people who love Jesus like we do.
We can even take people who can whistle through a straw. I'm sure God needs one of those too.
Shoot me an email if you have anymore questions: jason@forefront.org I'd love to talk.