
I was listening to Erwin McManus (lead pastor of Mosaic Church in Southern, CA) on a CD I just got back from my friend Michael, and something stuck with me while listening...

Erwin was telling a story about his son climbing out onto the second story roof while he and his wife were working in the yard. When his wife looked up she yelled for her 9 year old son to climb back in the window. He ignored his mom and said to his dad, "Hey, can I jump?" Erwin thought about it for a moment and replied, "Sure I guess you can jump." his wife looked at him like he was crazy and and he looked up again at his son and said, "One day are you going to jump? I mean, when we aren't here are you going to eventually climb out there again and jump?" He quickly responded, "Yeah, I guess I probably will eventually."

Erwin quickly answered, "Well better for you to jump while we're here and I will try to catch you than to jump while we aren't here and have no one to take you to the emergency room if you get hurt." His son yelled back, "Hey dad, you think I will make it?" "Oh yeah, I'm sure you will make it," his dad responded sarcastically.

His son jumped and hurt himself a little, but no real harm. As I would say, "No Blood, No Foul." but Erwin McManus followed up with a great parallel... most people in the church have been told for years to "Climb back in the window and think like everyone else. Don't take risks. Be like the cookie cutter design we've tried to show you." When really we need to live without limits and just climb out and jump.

Living in the will of our God is not the safest place. It's actually one of the most unsafe places to find yourself... but God does promise the ride is always going to be incredible. So climb on out and jump, you won't regret it!

- Jdel


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