
It seems like people have a lot of time on their hands... (no seriously, they have A LOT OF TIME!), so they figure out new ways to expose people to Jesus online. Here are the Top Jesus Sightings on the web (in no particular order):
1. Running Jesus
2. Jesus, The Freshmaker
3. The Brick Testament (Lego Jesus)

4. NRA Jesus
5. Jesus Edition iPod
6. Knock, Knock... It's Jesus, LOL
7. Jesus Loves The Prez
8. Jesus Will Survive
9. Jesus Video #1, Video #2 and Video #3 by Vintage 21

1 Comment:

  1. Tony[D] said...
    ok so look at the beginning of people blogs alot. and this is some crazy stuff. especially jesus will surive. kinda got the creepies.

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