
So I am guest blogging over at VinceAntonucci.com this week and I'll be posting them here as well. Blogging is a beast to do multiple blogs so doublin' up is fine with me. Call me lazy, but my old lady will kill me if I spend any extra time on the computer. So, much love people. Enjoy.


  1. Michael Goldsmith said...
    Hey Jason! I've been enjoying the video posts this week - thanks for sharing.

    I have a specific question about your "creative team." You mentioned getting together for brainstorming, creative ideas, etc. Who normally serves on your creative team and are they paid staff or volunteers?

    Would you mind sharing your org chart with us as well?

    Thanks man, and I look forward to tomorrow's video post!
    Jason said...
    @ Michael:

    Our creative team is a handful of our paid staff and our production managers at each campus (when they can make it due to work schedules).

    You can find our organizational chart here:

    We use Google Docs to run our teams and keep everything together. It super easy and all of the people on our team can edit it if they need to change a week they are serving.

    If you need anything else let me know.

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