
"I'm taking your light with me; will you speak to me there?
(Our Lord, is this the way to go?)
I'll shut my eyes if you take my hand
(We're here living while we hope)
I'll take this light until it's faded
(Our Lord, is this the way to go?)
Praying over and over in my head
(We're here living while we hope)"
- Hammerhead by The Offspring

So there really isn't any explaination needed for this lyric, but what surprised me was that it was by The Offspring. Serisouly. If someone had told me years ago when I was rocking out "Bad Habit" and "Smash" that I would one day be gleaming spiritual truths and conversation starters... I would have laughed out loud.

But alas, I stand before you corrected and changed, because this has already given me 2 conversations with people I am close to, but who are far from god to talk about the ideas of searching in this life, looking for something more, and is there a God to ask these questions to?

What is it that you're listening to right now that has you going, "Wow! I totally can use this to talk to people who are unchurched." Until then...

J-del **over and out**

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    "Crashed" and "What I Want" by Daughtry.

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