
So we started a new series this week called, "E! True Hollywood Story: David." Here is the intro video/ bumper and the logo for the series. It is 5 weeks on the Life of David before he became king. So far, people really got into the first week. What series are you in right now? What elements are you using to tie it together?


  1. Anonymous said...
    Scoot over to www.myspace.com/churchforus to see what we're currently doing (a marriage series called "iMarriage"). We also have a teaser posted for our summer series, "D'oh! Dumb Things Christians Do."
    Jason said...
    Cool video brotha. Are the iMarriage videos/messages you have on your myspace page the same ones you give to your micro-church gatherings?
    Anonymous said...
    Yeah. We burn them to DVD and distribute them, complete with discussion questions. We may, however, start phasing them out. People are relying on them way too much for their spiritual nourishment, and it won't be practical to reproduce as the network gets larger.

    Our newest church has opted to stick with going through the Bible (they're going through John now, one chapter a week). Can't argue with that, and I think we'll eventually replace the videos with this method.

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