
So I am guest blogging over at VinceAntonucci.com this week and I'll be posting them here as well. Blogging is a beast to do multiple blogs so doublin' up is fine with me. Call me lazy, but my old lady will kill me if I spend any extra time on the computer. So, much love people. Enjoy.

Video Blog: Part A

(so there are two videos due to a quick bathroom break before I exploded on camera... which would have been AWESOME for you guys, but not so much for me. maybe next time.)

Video Blog: Part B

PDF Download of our Creative Planning Visual/Sheet

Joe's Greatest Hits: Man Songs (Creative Element)
As I mentioned this was used during our series titled, "The Warrior." We have discussed at Forefront that we will do anything other than sin to reach people who are far from God. So, that being said... laugh and enjoy.


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