
"Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession-"

Sitting in Panera this morning I read these words in Ephesians and it shouted back at me. It said...

"Jason, you are worth it. I wanted you to be a part of this. Quit being so down on yourself when you slip. Your short comings are normal. Just ask me for forgiveness and be done with it already. You have a job to do. You've been called, marked, paid for and redeemed... so get with it already."

I totally needed to read this passage this morning. What is God talking to you about these days?


  1. Anonymous said...
    The possiblity of expanding our micro-church network south to NC... and Laura and I being the ones to do it. Completely scary and totally exciting, all at the same time (although it's not really good for the stomach--we still have no idea if we're to stay or go).
    Jason said...
    My wife and I will be praying for God's direction in this for you and Laura. Transitions in ministry are never easy. But then again, God never said following Him would be a cake walk eh?!

    I figured that out first heand real quick.
    Anonymous said...
    So did we. And it would be a weird transition, because it wouldn't exactly be totally new in some aspects (think Paul... always kept in touch with the churches he planted).

    Appreciate the prayers, dude.

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