
So, I'm sitting on the floor upstairs during the lunch break and my mind is becoming clearer. I might not be the most organized, clear in speech, vision caster, captivating, knowledgeable in leadership principles, or able to quote every passage off the top of my head. But I am seeing something here I never thought about before:

  • The American church has more mega churches than ever before in it's history.
  • Conferences are spawning and happening like rabbits during mating season.
  • People have more websites full of resources that you could possibly have to donate a lung or organ to be able to afford, but...
The church is shrinking in the U.S.
Just in case you missed it, over the last 10 years there are less Christians than before.
So why all the resources?
Why all the conferences?
Why all the web 2.393954358347534587 resources?

Well, some of my realizations are:
  1. People are leaving the church (which is the decrease overall)
  2. The mega churches are getting more Christians than those who are far from God
  3. The conferences aren't cutting it (though they are very well attended and put together)
  4. Leaders are soaking in principles and getting lost in all the different "methods"
So, my conclusion is that I (maybe not you, but maybe you, you decide), need to almost hault this idea of chasing the dream, living the dream, becoming the dream by learning all the crap about leadership I can and focus on one thing: Jesus.

Sound simple? Then you are a better person than I am (well you probably are anyway). We need to cling, chase, lust, desire, yearn for and adore Jesus so much and so very deeply that all life pales in comparison. You may think this is old news, but take a little bit of time soon to get into your deep dark alone place and let me know if you have a, "Holy crap, that is me and if anyone finds out I would be so embarrassed" kind of moment.

When God and I talk, I drop my head in shame, but our next post will bring to light the reason that dropping my head is also lame as poopie (yes, I said poopie, so what).

Until then,

J-del **over and out**


  1. Anonymous said...
    Well said, dude. Abso-frickin'-lutely on the money. If that's your attitude, then FF's future is certainly bright. Lovin' your thought process right now as you settle in to your new position.
    Mark Goldfarb said...
    Can't wait for the rest of this thought....
    Justin said...
    i am so so jealous of you! you get to be at Catalyst!!!i couldnt go this year given that our church started last week. those are great thoughts man. keep them coming. question: how does this fit into Forefront and its vision?

    ps- super congrats on the FF gig. you are perfect for it man!
    ThePez said...
    people have changed, churches for the most part haven't, and the churches that have changed are doing it for the wrong reasons. in the age 2.2313264654, people want REAL connections to god and other people, not necessarily fancy websites and laser light shows at church (although lasers are mad-cool).

    if we can connect people to christ, the real "anti-religious establishment" christ and not the right wing evangelical christ, we would truly see a revolution in our communities and just maybe beyond.
    Amen to the post and to Pez's comments! Justin - jealousy is a sin bro - get over it! ;-)
    Levi said...
    Hey yeah that realization hit me a while back and I voiced it like this, "we need to stop trying to be the Moses', David's, and Abraham's of the Bible and just settle for being the faceless faithful." Think about it what were these guys doing before God called them? Tending sheep! But faithful to hear God call. I think as church leaders we have to stop trying to be the mega stars and become the faceless faithful and if God wants to use us he is going to make it so evident that we can't deny him or a fish will swallow us and spit us out on the shore. Just remain faithful to the teachings of God and live a life searching for Jesus and keep up the good fight. God bless Jason and my prayers are with you.

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