

So, Vince and I are hanging out at Catalyst 08 this week and tonight I heard an amazing message by Matt Chandler. Seriously, if you have never listened to any of his stuff... STOP! Stop right now and go to Village Church's Podcast and subscribe to their podcast. He is such a humble guy. Taped an interview with him on Planting Channel and it was great.

On a completely different note, God is moving my soul in ways I cannot put into words. Please pray that God rings clarity to things going on in my head, but I am loving this time away to think about the future of Forefront, God's church universal and my personal relationship with Him.

J-del **over and out**


  1. Anonymous said...
    That's a great place to be, isn't it? I'm right there with you, thinking about the future of our church, and the one we'll be in the beginning stages of starting next year.
    Anonymous said...
    We'll keep praying for you and your family and FF!

    You're absolutely right about Matt... I got a chance to visit the Village Church a couple of weeks ago and hear him speak. Definately the real deal!

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