
Hey Peeps! I'm gone on a missions trip to Vietnam, but I've posted my personal study thoughts from each day and I'll be re-reading the passages along with you while I'm across the globe. Enjoy.

I love salty fries. LOVE 'EM! I've changed my diet so it's been tough to watch others enjoy them, but one day I'll introduce them here and there. I know salt isn't good for my body, but it does have it's uses and we see it here in Matthew 5 of today's reading. Salt can be used to preserve food. Before refrigeration and such, salt was used to keep meat for a longer period of time. But here is this passage Jesus refers to Christians as salt and warns us of losing ground...

You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.

Jesus lays it out, "Don't lose your life giving power to others. Stay connected to me. If you and I aren't working together and close, you'll lose it and fall away to be trampled by the world." I needed to hear this in a big way because it's a reminder that focus on Jesus and the mission is so HUGE. Don't forget that He has given the gift of life and grace. Live that out in a big way today and share life with people who are far from God. Now, go live life.

Jason *over and out*


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