Just purchased this album last night on iTunes: Search The City, "A Fire So Big The Heavens Can See It." It's a pop-rock/alternative album that does a good job of overlaying guitars riffs, breakdowns, and solid drumming with lyrics about searching for meaning and existence.
It seems to be the outcry of the 20-30 somethings (or really mankind since the beginning of time if we want to get technical). "I want something more. What are we hear for? I want deep relationships. How do I stay focused in life? Am I missing my big opportunity? Where do I get these answers?"
"The Rescue" is a track that clearly is talking about interpersonal relationships. Two people had a great relationship, but one drifted off onto a rocky path and became distant. The other friend is trying desperately to do everything to pull them out of the wreckage. I love the chorus:
"This is the rescue, the rescue. The reason I've been holding my breath every night. This is where we collide."
I heard at a very young age the saying, "Don't hold your breath." Through life I've listened as people use it pretty regularly as a way to show a lack of faith in humanity, God, outcomes in life, etc. When did you lose our faith in people? When did you realize you didn't count on others? How are you with God? Do you have faith He can move and breathe into your life? or... Do you wander through this earthly existence thinking everything and everyone is a total let down?
The one true God I know is in the business of transforming lives and always keeps His promises. Don't give up on people or relationships, because holding your breath and praying harder than ever before is just maybe what God is waiting for. And at that point He shows up to create a beautiful collision between you and Him or maybe you and the life or someone who needs to be transformed by Him.
So, here's to holding our breath. Who wants to join in?
Jason *over and out*