
So we just did a series called, GPS. It pointed people toward serving and we held an expo in the lobby of all the ministries. Well, when we get rolling in a creative meeting sometimes things get a little unruly. Hence the following video. We started talking about our GPS's (huh?!?) in each of our cars and the frustrations we each have with them, which led to our idea to create a new and improved GPS. We showed this Sunday and I'm sure we will get emails and phone calls this week. Enjoy.


  1. Anonymous said...
    FNGPS... WT*?!?

    That's a classic, dude. Abu the Slurpee Tech...
    Terrace Crawford said...
    That was hilarious! I loved it. I especially love the voice options... the slurpee guy! HA.

    By the way, when I first heard FN' wasn't thinking "Forefront Navigational."

    ThePez said...
    FOREFRONT STAFF = day zero.

    i love you man, that was awesome.

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