
So I was sitting in my apartment a few weeks ago and I heard this loud crash. So I hopped up and went to the window and saw that one of the ladies in our building had dropped a bunch of stuff she was unloading from her car. I hesitated for a moment, but my neighbor Art jumped out of his car and immediately helped her gather everything up and brought it inside for her. She looked so relieved.

So I thought, “What does my example look like?” I know Art doesn’t go to church and he says amen a bunch, but I don’t think he has a relationship with God- yet, Art leads by example. His life shines through in everything he does. From opening the door for everyone who walks in to making conversation with all the neighbors (and it’s always more in depth than “hey, how about this weather?”). Art has taught me a big lesson: I’m not a leader just because it says “pastor” on my business card, I’m only a leader as much as I act and live like one.

J-del **over and out**


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