
As a leader you should be reading A LOT. I know guys who talk a great deal about wanting to read more, but every leader I see that excels, moves, grows and reaches those who are far from God… READS. So it prompts me to ask, “What are you reading? What is it that gets your blood pumping when you sit down and take it in?”


  1. Justin said...
    well, currently i am totally digging "his dark materials" which is the Golden Compass trilogy. the Golden Compass which i just finished is an amazing book. i am also reading Everything Belongs which is a book written by a Franciscan Priest who writes good stuff. i also just finished one of the worst books ever, Communicating for a Change by Andy Stanley. it sucks balls.

    on that note, i learn more from fiction than i have ever gleamed from non-fiction.
    Jason said...
    It's interesting that you bring up the whole fiction vs. non-fiction idea. I've been on the fence with this for awhile now. Been reading a lot of art history books and trying to get into the Lord of The Rings books.

    Not many "Christian" books have done it for me lately though. It seems hard to find good material.
    Justin said...
    yeah, its all just my opinion, but i can really marinate on fiction and pull out life, leadership, and christian truths out of it by sitting and reflecting.

    i agree. i was lied to for a long time when someone told me that if you want to be the best leader then you need to read the leadership books. the John Maxwell's the Good to Great's, and all that jazz. not that they are bad, but to me, fiction brings fresh air and life.

    there is really really good non-fiction stuff...but hard to come by.

    when you are done with LOTR, you should totally read Children of Hurin, its a great Tolkien book.

    i think Joe Hielman also subscribes to this school of thought.
    Anonymous said...
    Unlike you guys, I'm not a huge fiction guy, although I have made it through The Hobbit, the LOTR, and The Silmarillion--they need to put some of THAT book on the big screen! I see more of that stuff in movies. For example, if you want to see what the church should be like, check out the trailer for a movie called "Defiance", which will come out this Christmas. Looks awesome.

    I have been reading a lot of Christian stuff lately, but stuff that has really challenged the status quo. Some Neal Cole (organic church stuff), and have just started Allen Hirsch's "The Forgotten Ways." Also have some Richard Dawkins and N.T. Wright in the hopper... Also just read a sweet business book called "The Back of the Napkin", which is all about solving problems through pictures. Completely applicable to the church.
    Jason said...
    I just started reading "The Back of the Napkin" and I am loving it. Sometimes business books like "Made to Stick" or "Punk Marketing" really hit home with me more.

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