
We have a a couple dozen women who attend Forefront and their husbands do not. We have some families that have just started coming and the wife has committed to God, but the husband isn't quite there yet. The question has been asked,

"What if I want to give to God's church, but my husband does not?"

I received two inquiries about this on Facebook last week after our meeting and it breaks my heart to hear about this. God's desire was never to have two people in a marriage relationship where they differed on whether or not to love God. The ideal and His plan is for two believers to come together and love one another as Jesus loves them in their marriage. So, what happens when this isn't the case?

Number one, God loves you. Two, God knows you probably didn't think that this was you're big perfect plan, it just happened to end up this way... and Three, God loves the fact you are searching after Him and living a life for Him.

But, when it comes to giving and your husband, you have some things to consider. God calls us to follow Him before all others. That includes your husband. But, if your husband isn't loving God the way he should, that makes this difficult- because you are to honor and respect your husband as teh leader of your family. I would say first, talk with him. Have an open and honest conversation about your faith in Him and your desire to give to a God who is changing your life. And, you desire for him to know and understand the God you love and care for.

Secondly, I would cling closely to 1 Peter 3:1, "Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives," He's saying, be submissive and honor your husband, and maybe instead of wearing a brotha out with words and banter about this...

Love him.
Love him.
Love him.
So that he may be won without words.
Simply by your example of Jesus living through you.

Wives of men who aren't quite there yet... hang strong. Love Him and him (God and your hubby). Show the man of your life the MAN of your life. And by those actions you may allow a crack in his hardened heart for God's Spirit to slide in and convict him of his need for an ever loving, grace filled Savior.

Jason *over and out*


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